Volume 4 No.1

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Vol. 4

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No. 1

Rabee uth Thaanee  RabiUthThanee.gif (2213 bytes) 1419

August,  1998

By the Grace of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) we now have a web page “The Truth About Islaam” for non believers. You may use it for your own Da’wah purposes or recommend to your non muslim acquaintances. The main page is at https://daar-ul-ehsaan.org/truth


The Account of Hell …Continued

The puss coming out of the body of the abiders of Hell will be given to them to drink. Thorny cacti of such a kind will be given to them to eat, if even a small bit of which were to appear in the world it would destroy the entire way of life because of its burning sensation and foul odor. In the throat it will induce a stranglehold. For relief from it the dwellers will ask for water. They will be given boiling water. When they will bring their face close, the entire skin will melt and fall into the boiling water and when this water will reach their stomachs, it will shred their intestines into pieces and will come out towards their feet like soup. Their thirst would be so severe that they will fall upon this boiling water just as camels that are struck with thirst from intense heat. The dwellers with feelings of hopelessness with their lives will consult each other and then call out to Maalik ‘Alaihis Salaatu was Salaam (The Supervisor of Jahannam) saying: “O Maalik Alaihis Salaatu was Salaam, may your Rabb annihilate us.” Maalik ‘Alaihis Salaatu was Salaam will not reply for one thousand years. After this period he will say: “What are you saying to me? Ask Him whose disobedience you have perpetrated.” They will call out to Rabbul ‘Izzah with His Names of Mercy for one thousand years. He will not respond for one thousand years. After this period He will say: “Remove yourselves away from Me; remain in Jahannam; do not speak to Me.” At this juncture the dwellers of Hell Fire will feel totally hopeless of any good happening to them and will wail with screaming voices of donkeys. In the beginning tears will come out of their eyes but when no tears will be left, tears of blood will come out. Depressions like trenches will be made in their cheeks from constant weeping. The blood and puss from their weeping will be so voluminous that if boats were put in, they will float. Their faces would become so frightful that if a dweller of Jahannam with such a face were brought into the world, people would die at the sight of such ugliness and foul odor.

The bodies of the dwellers will be enlarged so much that the distance between the shoulders will be as much as 3 days’ journey of a rider on a fast horse. Each molar will be as big as the mount of Uhad. The thickness of their skin will be equal to 43 yards. Their tongue will be a mile or two long, being dragged outside their mouths, trampled upon by each other. When they sit, they will occupy as much space as there is between Mekkah and Medeenah. With pain and sorrow, they would go around Hell with their faces contracted so that their upper lips would be drawn up to the middle of their heads and the lower lips will be hanging and will reach their navels. From these statements it appears that the appearances of the dwellers of Hell will not be like the faces of human beings because the shape and form of human beings has been described in the Holy Quraan as “Ahsan e Taqweem” (The best of all creations). They are loved by Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) as they resemble the shape and form of his most beloved, Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad  . The shape and form of the dwellers of Hell will be as described above. In the end what will happen to the Kuffaar is that they will be individually enclosed in trunks the length of their bodies. Fire will be lit within the trunks and a lock of fire will lock the trunk. This trunk will then be placed inside another trunk and fire lit between the two trunks and the outer trunk will be locked by a lock of fire. Similarly both the trunks will be placed in another trunk and fire lit between the third and the first two trunks and a lock of fire will lock the third trunk. All these trunks will now be thrown in the fire. Every dweller will now think that no one else but he or she is left in fire, and this is a punishment on top of the punishment and now this is an unending punishment. When all the residents of Paradise have entered Paradise and those in the Hell will be the ones who are to remain there forever, a lamb representing death would be brought forward and a caller will call out to the residents of Paradise. They will peep out fearfully that they may be commanded to leave. Then the caller will call out to the dwellers of Hell. They will peep out happily, hoping they may be given freedom from their misfortune. They will all be asked by the caller whether they recognize it (The lamb). They will all say: yes, this is death. The lamb will be slaughtered and the caller will say that for the residents of Paradise is eternity and no death and for the dwellers of Hell there will also be no death. For the residents of Paradise there will be joyousness and for the dwellers of Hell sadness upon sadness.

Extracts taken from “Bahaar-e- Sharee’at” by Hadrat Maulaanaa Amjad ‘Ali, Rahmatullaah ‘Alaih


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Du’aa of Hadrat Idrees 

Hadrat Hasan bin Abil Hasan  has narrated that he thought that Hadrat ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood  said that Hadrat Idrees  used to recite a Du’aa and used to command that this Du’aa should not be taught to fools so that they could recite it


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Transliteration: “Yaa Dzal Jalaali wal Ikraam wa Yaa Dzat Tauli Laa ilaaha illaa anta zahral laajeena wa jaaral mustajireena wa insul Khaaifeena innee asaluka in kuntu fee ummi kitaabi shaqiyyan an tamhua min ummil kitaabi shiqaaya wa tathbitnee ‘indaka sa’eedaun wa in kuntu fee ummil kitaabi mahrooman muqtaran ‘alayya fee rizqee an tamhua min ummil kitaabi hirmaanee waqtaaree warzuqnee wa athbitnee ‘indaka sa’eedam muwaffaqal lil khairi kullihee.

Translation: “O the most Honorable the most Majestic, O the forgiving One, there is no deity but You. You are the Protector of those who seek Your protection and You are the Neighbor of the ones who seek Your closeness and You are the Companion of the ones who are the fearful. Indeed if I am unfortunate as written in the Book of Destiny, write me as fortunate from Yourself firmly and if I am written in the Book of Destiny as deprived and destitute from Your provision, then wipe my deprivation and destitution from the Book of Destiny and give me (Your) provision and write me from Yourself as fortunate and the one who has been given blessings of all that is good. Kunzul A’maal, Tarteeb Shareef vol. 4, pages 54 and 55.


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By Hadrat Shaikh Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat ‘Ali QaddasAllaahu Ta’alaa Sirruhul ‘Azeez

Extract from his book “Makshoofaat Manaazil Ehsaan” (Manifestations of the stages of Excellence in Worship)

“Firqah” ( Sect ) is from “Farq” (Difference)

After a matter is completed, to create differences in it is negation of wholeness. Firqah is the opposite of Jamaa’ah and Jamaa’ah is the soul of the nation. In issues of Fiqh, the matter of the differences of opinion among the Great Imaams is worthy of acclaim and praise.

In the assembly of the Deen, when argument set its foot, ‘Amaal (good deeds) made their exit. With (the disappearance) of the ‘A’maal, mutual love also disappeared. Names of every matter do exist, however (the corresponding) deeds do not exist. Neither the sense of honor nor love exists. Neither (spiritual) rapture nor (spiritual) status has remained. There is no intensity of desire no spirit of holy quest no passion no pathos. Heart’s (sparkles of) luminosity is extinguished.

The body (now), is the nourisher of the heart. With the body (as the nourisher), the splendor of the heart has vanished . . . neither is the tongue effective any more nor the eye.

How glorious were the days when your tongue used to spread pearls and whatever direction your eye was raised, it brought back the breath of life, removed the distances between hearts, pleased the hearts, intoxicated the hearts, made them blissful. It was your eye which kept the hearts alive in the breasts and that very eye would rob the heart (when appropriate), of its peace . . . hearts could not endure its piercing, they trembled. That was the period of your success, which has passed by. Only the memory remains. Reciting tales of people is no valor. If there is any one (with valor) talk about yours (accomplishments). History has gone by, it was the past . . . it is no more. You are the “now” . . .  talk about your present! The present bears testimony of the past.

O the Muslim who is alive!

With the present, bear testimony of the past . . . this is valor and in it is power, in it is the blessing and this is the need of the hour.

When any one were to ask us: who are you?  We enjoin our friends to respond: “We are Muslims, simple Muslims!”

However we now say . . .

We are nothing, we used to be something but we are today nothing!

We have lost everything because of our unworthiness!

The following example of the goat is appropriate for our present condition:-

In pride did the goat (feel) there is no one but “me”

Only “me” is in this world, no one else.

When it did not give up the “me” “me”, the transitory needs of provision

(In the form of) the butcher, swung his knife on its neck


The meat, bones and skin that were in the body alive

Some were sold, some given away and some grounded in the bazaar


Only the intestines remained to recite “me” “me”

The hair was taken by the wool maker to be beaten into wool


When blows rained from the club, the gut got frightened

And now instead of “me” the sound “only you” “only you” could be



With us now is only the talk, the present (with its condition of ecstasy) is no longer there;

and without such condition there is no respect and honor in mere talk. Without the condition (just) talk is not suitable.

If the one who talks does not, at least the one who listens feels ashamed.

To be continued InshaAllaah Ta’alaa


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Sunnah and Aadaab of drinking and use of water . . . continued


It is mentioned in Hadeeth Shareef that if a Muslim were to give another Muslim brother water to drink, he would receive for every drop thawaab (rewards) equal to one thousand good deeds.

There are numerous Ahaadeeth Shareef that inform us that for good deeds performed one would receive equal to giving freedom to slaves, including for giving water to drink. Let us see what is the actual thawaab for releasing a slave:

Hadeeth Shareef: Sayyadunaa Aboo Hurairah  has narrated that the beloved of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad   has said: Any one who gives freedom to a Muslim slave, Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) will for every limb of the freed slave, give freedom from the fire of Hell to every limb of the one who gave him freedom. Hadrat Sa’eed bin Marjaanah has said that when I related this Hadeeth Shareef to Hadrat Imaam Zain ul ‘Abideen  he gave freedom to a slave of his who Hadrat ‘Abdullaah bin Ja’far had wanted to purchase for 10,000! Bukhaaree and Muslim

My beloved readers, look at the unbelievable generosity of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)  for giving a single drink of water to another Muslim (this is of course applicable for sisters also). May Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) give us the Taufeeq to always remember to offer water to members of our own households and to others on every possible occasion, with the intention of pleasing our Most Beloved Lord the most generous and reap thousands of rewards for this simple act of courtesy and thoughtfulness


  • Water should be drunk sitting, after looking at it in light, with the right hand after reciting Bismillaah, in three breaths in such a way that when breathing out and in, the utensil is removed away from the mouth. In the first and second time one draught at a time should be drunk and after the third breath, as much as one wants.

  • Alhamdulillaah should be recited after finishing. If one wants more than one glass, drink from each in three breaths.

    1. Drinks should be sipped rather than gulped. One should never waste leftover water, as this would be Israaf, which is Haraam (prohibited). Offer it to some one else, as it is mentioned in a Hadeeth Shareef that there is cure in drinking the leftover of a Mumin. Or save it properly covered.

  • The holy water of Zamzam Shareef as well as the leftover water of Wudoo (if done from a utensil), should be drunk standing as this the Sunnah.

  • Care should be taken not to spill water while drinking.

  • When others are present first others should be offered and one should drink the last. Hadeeth Shareef mentions that for every drop of water given to others, one receives rewards of 1000 good deeds.

  • Whether water is being drunk or any other drink, all the Sunnah should be observed.

  • Our master the beloved of Allaah the RasoolAllaah  used to drink from glass, earthen, copper and wooden utensils.

    1. The king of Madeenah  liked cold and sweet water

  • Drinking with one’s mouth touching the tap of water-skin, or the tap of any other water storage utensil, or water taps, is not permissible for any small creature or contamination could enter through the mouth.

May Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) give us all the Taufeeq to drink all kinds of drinks according to the Sunnah because even this simple day to day act of drinking, if done according to the Sunnah of the beloved of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad  becomes an act of worship, receiving the pleasure of the Lord of the Universes and appropriately abundant rewards. Ameen

Extracted from “Faidaani Sunnah” Authored by Hadrat Shaikh Ilyaas Qaadree, Mudda Zilluhoo.

To be continued InshaAllaah Ta’alaa.



Publication of “Virtues of Islaamic Life” was interrupted for several reasons. This invisible dust under the feet of his beloved Shaikh Rahmatullaah ‘Alaih, was given the blessings of performing Hajj and to visit Palestine and Bait ul Maqdas and offer his Jumu’ah Salaah in the Masjid ul Aqsaa. Please make Du’aa that all my ‘Ibaadahs may find acceptance in the court of the Owner of all Power and Majesty, Aameen. Added to this enormous blessing, because of the Fuyood and Barakaat of my most honorable Shaikh Hadrat Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat ‘Ali, QaddasAllaahu Ta’alaa Sirruhul ‘Azeez, our Television series titled “The Truth About Islaam” started as soon as this humble servant returned from Hajj. Being a new medium for us, long hours had to be dedicated to bring out this work of Da’wah with the best possible quality. This is a program aired weekly on the Nutmeg TV, locally in 9 cities of Connecticut: Bristol, Plainville, Southington, New Britain, Avon, Burlington, Berlin, Farmington and Canton. Channels are TCI 5, 21 and 22 – SNET 16, 17 and18. Again with the blessings of Almighty Allaah through our Grand Shaikh, Rahmatullaah, we have a wonderful and totally dedicated Jama’ah, who are working long and hard hours and are producing a high quality program every week. May Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)grant them through His Infinite mercy, profuse blessings in the Hereafter. Aameen. You see our beloved readers the reason for our falling behind with the publication of “The Virtues of Islaamic Life”. We are, Alhamdulillaah back on the track and will do our best, InshaAllaah. The possibility does exist that we may not produce it every month, however we also know you will be kind and patient. In all conditions, we are in need of your Du’aas.




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VIRTUES OF Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem   Bissmela_2.gif (1704 bytes)

By Hadrat Shaikh Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat ‘Ali, QaddasAllaahu Ta’alaa Sirruhul ‘Azeez

Extracts rendered into English at Daar-ul-Ehsaan USA

Hadeeth Shareef: Hadrat Anas bin Maalik  has narrated the beloved of Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad  said : The person who for the honor of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes), picks up the piece of paper on which is written Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Bissmela_2.gif (1704 bytes) with the thought that it may be trodden under some one’s foot, his name will be written among the Siddeeqeen and if that person’s parents are Mushrikeen, their punishment will be lightened. It is also said that the Iblees the cursed, wept on three occasions so much as never before. Once when he was cursed and removed from (the company of angels) the dominion of the heavens. The second time was when the Holy Prophet  was born. The third time was when Soorah Al Faatihah was revealed as in its beginning is Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Bissmela_2.gif (1704 bytes)

Hadeeth Shareef: Hadrat Saalim bin Aboo Ja’d  narrates that indeed Hadrat ‘Alee AlMurtadaa KarramAllaahu Wajh has said regarding the revelation of Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Bissmela_2.gif (1704 bytes)  that the beloved of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad  said: This Aayah was first revealed to Hadrat Aadam  alahen.gif (182 bytes) who had said that as long as my children will be steadfast in recitation, it they will be protected from punishment. This Aayah was then removed and revealed again to Hadrat Ibraheem KhaleelAllaah, when he was on the catapult (to be thrown into the fire prepared by Nimrood). He recited the Aayah and because of its Barakah, Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) made the fire cool and comfortable for him. The Aayah was again lifted away and revealed to Hadrat Sulaimaan   alahen.gif (182 bytes).On its bestowal, the angels congratulated him saying: By Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) your kingship upon your kingdom has (now) been completed. The Aayah was lifted again and after this, Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) revealed it to me. On the Day of Judgment, my Ummah will come reciting Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem  Bissmela_2.gif (1704 bytes)  and when their deeds will be placed on the pan of the Balance, the pan containing their good deeds will become heavier. The holy prophet Muhammad  has said: In the beginning of your writings, write Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Bissmela_2.gif (1704 bytes) and (also) recite it.

Hadeeth Shareef: Hadrat ‘Akramah  has narrated that he truthfully said: When Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) created the Qalam (pen) and the Lauh (tablet), He newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) ordered the Qalam to write and it started to write on the Lauh and wrote all that will happen till the Day of Judgment. Hence, the first thing the Qalam wrote was Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Bissmela_2.gif (1704 bytes)  Hence as long as His creation will be steadfast in the recitation of Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Bissmela_2.gif (1704 bytes) protection was bestowed. Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem is a Wazeefah (regular recital) of the beings of the seven heavens and those of high stations, the venerable, the Ahli Siraadiqaat, the angels of closeness (to Allaah   newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)), those angels who are always in rows and those angels who are perpetually occupied with the Tasbeeh (SubhaanAllaah) and Tahleel (Laa Ilaaha illAllaah). Hence ever since this Aayah was revealed to Aadam  alahen.gif (182 bytes), he has said that as long as his children would recite it perpetually, they will be protected from all (misfortunes and) punishment; and then it was lifted up.

To be continued InshaAllaah Ta’alaa


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The first major sin, “Associating anything with Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)” Continued.    

‘Adi ibn Hatim  reported Allah’s Messenger  as saying: “On the Day of Resurrection, groups of people will be led toward the Garden until they hear its humming, smell its fragrance, see its palaces and whatever Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)  has prepared for its inhabitants. Then a call will be made to turn them away from it, since they have no portion in it. Then they will turn away with regret and longing for it, like other groups of people before and after them. They will say, “Our Lord! If you had admitted us to the Fire before showing us what we have seen of the reward you have prepared for your friends, it would have been easier for us.” Then Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)  Most High will say, “That is what I intended for you. In privacy you were arrogant toward Me, but when you were among people you were humble toward them, showing them your good deeds, the opposite of what you gave to Me in your hearts. You gave to people and not to Me; you showed veneration toward people but not toward Me; your renunciation was for people but not for Me. Therefore, today I am making you taste My grievous punishment and withholding from you My abundant reward” (Tabarani, Abu Na’im, Baihaqi.)

A person asked the Prophet  about salvation. He replied: “Do not deceive Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) .” The person asked: “How can one deceive Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) ?” The Prophet  replied: “You do a deed ordered by Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) and His Messenger, but intent to obtain the pleasure of someone other than Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes).  Guard yourself against showing-off, because that is a form of lesser polytheism. On the Day of Resurrection, the show-off will be called, above the heads of the people, by four names: “Show-off! Deceitful one! Godless one! Loser! Your deeds are wasted and your reward is cancelled. Since We do not have any reward for you, go and collect your reward from the one for whose sake you did these deeds, Pretender!”‘

(Ibn Abu Dunya.)

A scholar was asked: “Who is sincere (toward Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) )?” and he replied: “That person is sincere who conceals his good deeds in the same way as he conceals his bad deeds.” Another scholar explained that the purpose of sincerity toward Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)   is so that a person may not start liking praise from people. Fudail bin ‘Iyyad said: “To refrain from doing, something for the sake of people is Riya’ (hypocrisy) and to do something for their approval is polytheism, while sincerity is to ask protection against both from Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes). 0 Allah! Protect us from these two and forgive us!”

Extracts from “The Major Sins ‘Al- Kabair’ ” by Shaikh Muhammad bin ‘Uthman Adh- Dhahabi.

To be continued InshaAllaah Ta’alaa


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Six Principles Concerning Purity of Water

1. Water by its very nature is pure; therefore unless there is a clear proof to establish its impurity, it will be taken as pure and clean. Instance: Water found in depressions and ditches in the jungles will be regarded as pure unless it is proved to be not so.

2. A doubt or suspicion will not render a certainty uncertain. Instance: A dog is seen coming out of a house where they have kept pure water. Now unless somebody has seen the dog drinking from that water, or there is clear evidence to show that the dog put its mouth in the water, the water will be understood to be pure and clean.

3. Leniency should be the rule in unavoidable cases and conditions. Instance: Guarding the purity of wells from the excreta of birds is just not possible; therefore the well water is not rendered impure by the excreta of birds.

4. An unlawful thing becomes lawful in extreme necessity. Instance: It is lawful to drink unclean and impure water to save life in case clean and pure water is not at all available.

5. The greater quantity will determine the purity or otherwise. Instance: If in a vessel, pure and used water have got mixed up, ablutions and washing with it will be allowed if the pure water was in greater quantity, but disallowed if otherwise.

6. A fact will be a fact from the time it was noticed and observed. Instance: A well in which a dead rat is seen will be, regarded unclean from the time the rat was noticed and not retrospectively. The ablutions and washings performed earlier with the well water will not be affected at all.


Extracts from “Everyday Fiqh” by Hadrat Muhammad Yusuf Islahi. To be continued InshaAllaah Ta’alaa


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With the commentary of Hadrat Shaikh Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat ‘Ali, QaddasAllaahu Ta’alaa Sirruhul ‘Azeez

The RasoolAllaah  continued “Pay attention, those (of you) who are present, continue to convey (continue Da’wah and Tableegh), to those who are not present as there is a possibility that from among those who will listen to your Da’wah and Tableegh, there may be those who will remember and guard this speech more than the ones who are here”

As soon as the Holy Prophet   finished the Khutbah, at the same time, at the same place, Allaah Rabbul ‘Izzah announced the completion of the Deen ul Islaam and Jibraeel alahen.gif (182 bytes) descended with the Aayah # 3, chapter # 5 “This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you and have chosen for you Islaam as your religion.” After this 100 camels were sacrificed. 67 were sacrificed by the blessed hands of the Holy Prophet   and 33 by Hadrat ‘Alee KarramAllaahu Wajh. Then they went to Mekkah al Mukarramah and after the Tawaaf (circumambulation) of the Holy Ka’bah returned to Medeenah al Munawwarah. Enroute, at the place known as Kham Ghadeer, another historic Khutbah was given. Hadrat Buraidah Aslamee   complained about Hadrat ‘Alee   that in Yemen he had in the process of the distribution of Maal Ghaneemah, done this or that. These complaints originated because of lack of complete information on the part of Hadrat Buraidah ===. Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad   stopped at this place and gave the Khutbah during which he   extolled the virtues of Ahli Bait (members of his household). Then he   took hold of the hand of Hadrat ‘Alee in his own blessed hand and said: “Whoever’s Maulaa (master) I am, Ali is his Maulaa also.” After saying this the Holy Prophet    described in great detail the dignity of Hadrat ‘Alee  . If any one were to ponder upon this Khutbah, his chest will receive clarification, whatever his school of thought may be. The meaning of the word Maulaa is helper, sympathizer, who shares sadness. Maa ShaaAllaah, how well did the Holy Prophet   extol the greatness of Hadrat ‘Alee  , by saying: Whoever considers me as his Maulaa, should also consider him his Maulaa. The way he honors and reveres me he should also honor and revere my ‘Alee, because whoever’s Maulaa I am, ‘Alee is also his Maulaa.

On hearing this Khutbah, Hadrat ‘Umar Faarooq  congratulated Hadrat ‘Alee  upon this rank of honor (bestowed upon him). Hadrat Buraidah  (after this episode), always remained at the service of Hadrat ‘Alee   till he was martyred in the Holy War of Jamal.

Hadrat Bara bin ‘Aazib   narrates that when the Holy Prophet  stopped over at Kham Ghadeer, located between Mekkah and Medeenah, he took the hand of Hadrat ‘Alee  in his own blessed hand and said “Do you know that for the Muminoon, I am dearer and better than their own lives.” They all responded: Yes indeed. He then continued “O Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) the person whose friend I am, ‘Alee  is his friend. O Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) please befriend the person who befriends ‘Alee  and be an enemy to the one who holds ‘Alee  as his enemy.”   After this incident when Hadrat ‘Alee  met Hadrat ‘Umar  , Hadrat ‘Umar said to him “The son of Aboo Taalib, be happy morning and evening, at all times you are the friend and the beloved of every Mumin and Muminah.” Collection of Ahmad.

In the Tirmidzee collection, the following addition is there: “Hence he  said: I am the house of wisdom (hikmah) and ‘Alee  is the door of the house of Hikmah.”


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By Hadrat Shaikh Aboo Anees Muhammad Barkat ‘Alee, QaddasAllaahu Ta’alaa Sirruhul ‘Azeez

Extracts from “Makshoofaat Manaazil Ehsaan” (Manifestations of the Stages of Excellence in Worship) vol. 4  

Asked the RasoolAllaah Do you know how many Shiaateen are there?

Replied the Iblees: O Muhammad  I have been commanded to tell you the truth. So be informed O Muhammad   that one tenth of all the number of human beings is the number of all 4- footed animals. Out of all human beings and the 4-footed animals together, one tenth are the birds. And out of all human beings, all the 4-footed animals and all the birds, one tenth are the Jinns. And out of all the human beings, all the 4-footed animals, all the birds and all the Jinns, the portion of the Shiaateen is one tenth. And out of all the human beings, all the 4-footed animals, all the birds, all the Jinns and all the Shiaateen, the portion of Yaajooj and Maajooj is one tenth. And out of all the human beings, all the 4-footed animals, all the birds, all the Jinns, all the Shiaateen and the Yaajooj and Maajooj, one tenth is the portion of the angels of the heavens and it is like this till the end of the seven heavens.

Asked the RasoolAllaah Out of which traits do you recognize the ones to destroy?                         

Replied the Iblees: When they accept 3 traits from me they will be destroyed till the Day of Judgment. The first trait is stinginess; this is the head of all sins. The second is past times, entertainment and obscenity, this is a branch of Kufr. The third is to ignore their own sins.

Note for my beloved friends and readers. We should all of us read the above 3 traits once again and over and over again, looking all the time at ourselves and realize how they fit our lives and us. How much time we spend in entertainment and past times almost daily! How many sins we commit daily in complete ignorance, while some of us are constantly watching and picking out the sins of others! May Allaah Ta’alaa have mercy upon us all and all the Ummah of His beloved  giving us true awareness of our pathetic condition and the Taufeeq to amend our ways out of fear of His terrible punishment. Aameen.

Asked the RasoolAllaah My Ummah is an Ummah receiving Divine mercy. He will forgive sins of 50 years for the Taubah of a moment.

Replied the Iblees: You have spoken the truth O Muhammad , however I will command some of your Ummah to perform deeds which will waste (cancel and destroy) their deeds.                                                                                                                                                     

Asked the RasoolAllaah : How will you order some of my Ummah (this way)?                                                        

Replied the Iblees: I do not order the old men to do things that they cannot take the burden of and cannot obey my command. I will command them to lie, do Gheebah (back bite), give false witnessing, procrastinate in their Salaat and for slackness in their ‘Ibaadah (worship) (Meaning such sins are easy for the old people to commit. Those who I command to lie, to give false witnessing, perform bad deeds, sinful deeds, to be proud and haughty and to look at things Haraam (meaning looking at those things which have been made Haraam for muslims) are the young. They have come under our armpits (meaning under our power). We play with them, as we want to. The older women I command to slander (falsely accuse), to talk excessively, to perform black magic, to insult people and to belittle Salaat. As far as young women are concerned, there is no opposition from them except from one in every one thousand. Similarly with the young men, one out one thousand (can oppose me). This means that all young men and women are obedient to me. I take an oath upon the One Who gave me respite to live till the Day of Judgment, that there is no one from among your Ummah who would make an intention to perform an act of good deed that I do not set one Shaitaan upon him, which is called Mutaqaadee. That Shaitaan then insists till the person informs others (of his act of good deed) and places an obligation upon Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) .in the presence of people (meaning, by making known his deed to people, it is as if he has somehow or the other obliged Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) and thus his good deed he has destroyed). And no one who makes an intention to do his Salaat, that (the Shaitaan) does not turn him away from it, till the time of performance of the Salaat is over. If that person rejects, that is he does not accept my deception, I then send towards him from among humans the one who will turn him away from his Salaat towards talk of a subject among subjects so that this person turns towards his Salaat after its time has expired. Then he offers his Salaat in haste just as the hen pecks at its feed. Hence Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes). rejects his Salaat till he offers his Taubah, as Taubah erases the sins. And I will put in between them and your Sahaabah (holy companions), through slander, their (Sahaabah) oppression and say: Aboo Bakr ( ) did this injustice and ‘Umar ( ) did this and ‘Uthmaan ( ) did this and did that and ‘Alee ( ) did this. And then I will praise ‘Alee () in a group so that they will befriend ‘Alee, a friendship which is beyond the limit and they will give him greatness more than Ibraheem  alahen.gif (182 bytes) and Ismaa’eel  alahen.gif (182 bytes) and Jibraeel alahen.gif (182 bytes) and Meekaaeel alahen.gif (182 bytes). Thus they will always keep a grudge against Aboo Bakr ( ), ‘Umar ( ) and ‘Uthmaan ( ) by using abusive language against them and impeach them in presence of others and also with things which are worse than impeachment; till such time that they will accept what their mind says and will increase their hatred. They will not do this much with your companions except hatred and enmity till death overtakes them and they will remain in this enmity. Hence which Taubah of theirs will be acceptable!    The narrator says that the RasoolAllaah wept with grief and said: It is true that all this will happen and Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) will permit this to happen. Seek help from Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) , He is the only One Who can help.                  Replied the Iblees: O Muhammad  Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) has created the Jannah and created people for it and created virtuous deeds for them and they will do them and this is the statement of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) and they will perform deeds according to the command of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) And He created the fire which is the Hell and created people for it and created sinful deeds which they will do and this is what Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) has commanded: that Allaah Ta’alaa has created you and your ‘Amaal.

To be continued InshaAllaah Ta’alaa.


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Extracts from the Book “The Most Beautiful Names” compiled by Hadrat Shaikh Tosun Bayrak al- Jerrahi al- Halveti



He  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) is the Greatest, Who shows His greatness in everything, on all occasions. The manifestation of greatness belongs only to Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes). The creation, whose being or not being depends on the will and the single order of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) , does not have the right to assume this name. Of all the creation, the first one who became arrogant and claimed greatness was the accursed Devil. Then there are those who have followed the Devil, who think that the power, intelligence, knowledge, position, fame, and fortune that Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) has lent to them momentarily are theirs, so that they become proud.

If man thought of his beginning and his end, which are very close to each other, he would remember that his “before” was a drop of sperm transplanted from his father’s urinary tract to his mother. His end will be to become a limp, cold, yellow corpse that cannot be borne even by the ones who loved him and that will be thrown into a hole in the ground.

Where are the Pharoahs, the Nimrods, Napoleons and Hitlers?

Al-Mutakabbir is an honor fit only for Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) . The created one cannot assume this attribute. Allaah al-Mutakabbir is the adversary of the proud man. He will humiliate him, making him the lowest of the low. just as the rain that comes from the skies does not gather on the tops of high mountains, Allaah’s blessings and compassion gather in lowly places. The ones who wish to feel the divine attribute of al-Mutakabbir will find it only when they work hard to try to achieve the highest level of their potential, while never boasting of or even revealing their greatness.

AL-KHALIQ al_Khaliq.gif (1711 bytes)

He is the one who creates from nothing, creating at the same time the states, conditions, and sustenance of all that He has created. He establishes how, when, and where creation will take place. He creates in accordance with this order. Every thing from the beginning to the end of the created existences has been established in goodness and wisdom. In accordance with the perfect order, everything follows the path it will follow. There are no accidents in the universe.

Allaah al-Khaliq did not need the creation, nor does He receive any benefit from it. Perchance the reason for creation is that He may acknowledge His eternal will of greatness and power, and see His own beauty and perfection. For He says, “I was a hidden treasure. I loved to be known, so I created creation.”

Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) existed. None existed with Him, yet there was nothing lacking or missing before He created the creation. When He created the universe, nothing was added, nor was anything diminished. Man, the supreme creation, should know that “Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) has created all for man and man for Himself.” All creation, and the order that it follows, is total beneficence and wisdom. One must find these benefits and this wisdom, use them, and feel the blessing of being a part of this creation which is a reflection of the Creator.


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VIRTUES OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE “ASMAA UN NABIYYUL KAREEM” (The Bounteous Names of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ) by Hadrat Shaikh Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat ‘Ali, QaddasAllaahu Ta’alaa Sirruhul ‘Azeez

Rendered into English by Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Ameer Dar-ul-Ehsaan Publications, Huddersfield, United Kingdom and his worthy colleagues.


Sayyiduna Al-Ajwadu Our Leader the Most Generous ajwadu.gif (18062 bytes)

Hadrat Ibn ‘Abbas  reports: “The Almighty Allah’s Messenger  was the most generous of people. He was generous to the utmost during the month of Ramadan when the Archangel Gabriel alahen.gif (182 bytes) made regular visits. The Archangel Gabriel alahen.gif (182 bytes) visited him every night throughout the whole of the month of Ramadan. The Holy Prophet would recite passages of the Holy Qur’an to him. When the Archangel Gabriel alahen.gif (182 bytes) would meet him, the Almighty Allah’s Messenger    would become even more generous in distributing charity than the rushing wind.”

(Sahhi Al-Bukhari VI, P255)

Hadrat Jabir bin ‘Abdullah  narrates: When asked for something, the Almighty Allah’s Apostle  had never ever responded with ‘no’.”

(Al-Bukhari / Tarikh An Kathir V6,.P42)



Sayyiduna Ajwad-Un-Nas    Our Leader the Most Magnanimous of All People

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Hadrat Anas   reports that the Holy Prophet   said: “Shall I tell you who is the most generous? The most generous of all is Allah the Almighty. And the most generous amongst the progeny of the Prophet Adam alahen.gif (182 bytes) is myself.

(Sharh Al-Mawahhib Al-Ladunya by Al-Zarqani V3, P120)

Hadrat Ibn ‘Abbas   reports: “‘The Almighty Allah’s Messenger   was the most generous of all people with regard to charity. He was generous to the utmost during the holy month of Ramadan. The Archangel Gabriel alahen.gif (182 bytes) would visit him every year throught the holy month of Ramadan. He   would recite the Holy Quran to him (the Archangel) Whenever the Archangel Gabriel alahen.gif (182 bytes) met him, the Almighty Allah’s Messenger   would become even more generous in distributing charity than a rushing wind.

Hadrat Al-Nahhas  reports: “Al-Jawad is an Arabic word which means: ‘He who is kind even to the one who is not deserving. One who gives away to those who do not ask. One who gives away in abundance and is not afraid of poverty and destitution.”‘

(Subul Al-Huda V6, P519)

Hadrat Anas bin Malik   narrates: “I presented to the Almighty Allah’s Prophet   three birds. He gave one of them to his maid servant (to eat). Next day she brought the same bird to the Almighty Allah’s Prophet   He said to her: ‘Didn’t I tell you not to save it for tomorrow? Indeed Allah the Almighty brings fresh food every day.”‘

(Tarikh Ibn Kathir V6, P54)



(Manifestations of the stages of Excellence in Worship) …. Continued

By Hadrat Shaikh Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat ‘Ali, QaddasAllaahu Ta’alaa Sirruhul ‘Azeez

AL GHEEBAH (BACK BITING) . . . Continued

Some one complained to the Khaleefah of the time: “The Imaam A’zam, Hadrat Aboo Haneefah keeps blaming you.” The Khaleefah responded: “Such a Muttaqee (Allaah fearing) person will never commit such an act and include in his book of deeds the sins of an insignificant person like me.”

Hadeeth Shareef: Narrated Hadrat Hudzaifah  : “I heard the RasoolAllaah  say: ‘The talebearers will not go to Jannah’”

How can a talebearer be appointed to the performance of the holy command of Da’wah and Tableegh?

We should all do our own and sincere soul searching, and decide for ourselves how much we abstain from carrying tales.

Most probably no one has ever addressed you rudely. If a carrier of tales were not to tell you that someone spoke ill about you, there will be no hard feelings in your heart about any one. The carrier of tales comes to us and talks ill after hearing which, suspicions enter our hearts against each other. In time, relations are broken off with each other.

Have you ever thought that the person who comes to you and tells you things (about others) you dislike; after hearing you, why would he not inform the other person.

If you desire your reformation, and would like to clean your self of this evil trait, do not listen to the talk of a tale carrier. Stop him/her immediately. Or inform the person about whom tales were being told that such and such person told me this about you. Or tell the tale carrier that he should accompany you so that you can get the matter ascertained that indeed that person had spoken those things about you.

This is our fourth evil, which shatters the nation and its checking and termination is vitally essential. When you desire it can be removed very quickly.

The Shaitaan, with the command of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) presented himself to the Holy Prophet  and was ordered to speak the truth. He  asked him many things out which the following are two:                                                                                                        

The Holy Prophet   asked him: ‘Who is your greatest enemy?’ The Iblees responded: ‘You. ’The Holy Prophet   said: ‘Alhamdu lillaah‘ and then asked: ‘Who is your best friend?’ He replied: ‘The talebearers of your Ummah.’

After today, do not tell tales about any one, never again and neither should you listen to any one else’s tales.

Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom

The talebearer not only dishonors and disgraces others, but also blemishes his own life and character. This is why the criminal of this trait has been compared to the one who eats his brother’s flesh. It does not matter how tainted a person may become with violence, he cannot eat his dead brothers flesh. Only the oppressed person has the right to complain against his oppression. However, if in his complaint the aspect of Gheebah (talebearing) is included, then he will have to takeover the sins of his opponent or will give up his own virtuous deeds. O Dearest Allaah, please protect us from these contemptible traits, forever and ever. Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom! Ameen!

AL HASAD (JEALOUSY) Hasad_Arabic.tif (3486 bytes)

Hadeeth Shareef: Hadrat Anas    has narrated that Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad   said: Poverty is close to cause (one) to reach boundaries of Kufr and it is close for (one who has) Hasad (jealousy) to overcome Allaah’s destiny. (Al Baihaqee)

Hadeeth Shareef: Hadrat Abee Hurairah  says that Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad  said: Save yourself from hasad because hasad devours virtuous deeds (meaning, it destroys good deeds), as fire devours wood. (Aboo Dawood)

Whatever is given to one, it is Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) Who gives. What is given to one is only that which he deserves. Whatever is given to one by Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) no one can stop and the one to whom He does not give no one can give. Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) is the King of His Kingdom. He gives in His Kingdom to whomsoever, whatever He wishes and when He does not wish to give one He does not give. It is hasad that the gift Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) has bestowed upon a person, should be seen by another and for him to feel jealous that this gift has been given to that person and why was it not given to him. In other words, the haasid (the jealous one) becomes objector of Allaah’s newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) distribution. The first and the worst haasid is the Iblees. Iblees worshipped Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) greatly, prostrated upon every nook and corner of the heavens. When Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)  intended to create Hadrat Aadam alahen.gif (182 bytes) and he came to know that Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) wishes to create another creation, he became jealous and when commanded to prostrate, refused only out of hasad. He refused because of many reasons. One was that he had worshipped Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) for so long and now he was (in his thinking) reduced to this. I am from the fire and he from clay, why was he given this honor of being prostrated to. This was Shaitaan’s hasad because of which he became accursed. This is our fifth evil. We are each other’s haasid. We cannot see (accept) the gifts bestowed by Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)  (upon others). Whoever has received any gift bestowed by Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes), we have not been able to accept it. When someone suffered a loss, our pleasure knew no bounds.

Haasid (the one who is jealous) continues to burn in the fire of hasad. Until he does a firm Taubah (repents) from hasad, he cannot enter (the field) of Da’wah and Tableegh of the Deen of Islaam. Please ponder upon the fact: how can a heart that is burning in the fire of hasad night and day, become enlightened?

May Allaah Tabaarak wa Ta’alaa have pity at our pathetic condition and by His Favor and Grace bestow upon us the Taufeeq (blessing) of remaining purified from hasad. Aameen. Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom

May we remain happy at seeing Your gifts bestowed (upon others) and never burn (with hasad). Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom

Please say: It is Your favor and I am grateful that You have bestowed Your gift to that person. You are my Lord and I am Your slave; please grant me also that gift. Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom

To say as above is not hasad (jealousy); it is rashk.

The Yahood denied the Messengerhood of the Holy Prophet Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad  because of hasad although they knew him better than their own children. (They became) angry, incensed, accursed. When they were defeated at each battle, (the beloved of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)) said: Perish in the fire of your own hasad.

Hasad destroys the inner capabilities and noble qualities and gives ugliness to the human appearance. O Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) please protect us and keep us, the Ummah of Muhammad  safe from this repulsive and ugly trait. Aameen.


There are many essential matters, which are viewed by us as insignificant although they are among important commands (of Allaahnewsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)). For instance cursing each other at every (trivial) matter, using imprecations and asking for Allaah’s anger (to descend upon each other), have become our expletives. We are constantly, thoughtlessly and without any rhyme or reason, repeatedly sending curses upon each other and are unafraid of the reasons for doing so.

Hadeeth Shareef: Hadrat Samrah bin Jandab  has said that the beloved of Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad  has said: Do not curse at each other (by saying): Curse of Allaah be upon you. Neither use imprecation for Allaah’s wrath to descend nor the imprecation for entering Hell. Tirmidzee, Aboo Daawood.

Hadeeth Shareef: Hadrat Abee Dardaa  says: I have heard the beloved of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes), Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad  say: When the slave of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) curses something, that curse goes towards the sky and the doors of the sky are closed to the curse (meaning that passage is not given to that curse to the sky). Then that curse turns towards the earth and the doors of the earth are closed to it. Then it goes to the left and the right (passage is not given there also). Then it turns towards the object or the person that was cursed. If (that object or the person) is fit for the curse, it stays over it. If it is not fit for it, then the curse turns back upon the one who cursed. Aboo Daawood.

Hadeeth Shareef: Hadrat ibn ‘Abbaas   has said that the wind blew away a person’s chaadar (outer garment). He cursed the wind. The beloved of Allaahnewsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes), Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad  said: Do not curse the wind because it is under the command (of Allaah to blow). The truth is that when a person curses something and it is not fit for the curse, then that curse turns upon the person who had cursed. Tirmidzee, Aboo Daawood.

Hadeeth Shareef: Hadrat ibn Mas’ood   says that the beloved of Allaahnewsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes), Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad   has said: From my Sahaabah, none should tell me anything bad about anyone else, because I like that when I come to you, my chest is clean (meaning I should not be carrying any grudge, having heard anything bad) and I should not be angry with anyone. Aboo Daawood

Hadeeth Shareef: Hadrat ‘Aaishah Siddeeqah   says that I told the beloved of Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) , Hadrat Sayyidinaa wa Maulaanaa Muhammad     (things) about Safiah  that she is like this and like that and that she is short. The RasoolAllaah     responded by saying: You have spoken such words that if they were mixed with the river they would overpower the river (meaning they will change the condition of the river. That is, if one statement could change the condition of the entire river, how sinful it is. Which means that even this much Gheebah [backbiting] is also not permissible). Ahmad, Tirmidzee, Aboo Daawood.

These few matters have been written for your guidance. Without (this guidance), no one can be successful in human, religious and national reconstruction. Your goal is human, religious and national reconstruction. You should put (the guidance) strictly into practice. May Allaah  newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes) bestow upon you steadfastness upon it. Aameen. There are innumerous dos and don’ts in the Deen. Our aim is not just acquiring knowledge, but to practice what we learn. In the nomenclature of the Deen, Ahle ‘Ilm (people of learning) are those ‘Aalim (learned) who practice their knowledge and you will find among the learned of the world, very few ‘Ulamaa (plural of ‘Aalim) who practice what they have learned. Your nature (conscience) is enough for your guidance and your conscience will authenticate the good and evil of every word and deed and you will not encounter any problem in your entire life that your conscience will not be able to show the way (to solve). Your conscience is an open page of the manifest book that never ends and the Book of Allaah, the Quraan ul Kareem authenticates the manifest book. Do not criticize this, ponder upon it. This is the absolute truth. Maa ShaaAllaah Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom                                                                                                                   Talking is not as difficult as it is to practice that which is spoken and until you will not practice what you say, no speech of yours can bear fruition. Today is not the time for speeches it is the occasion of ‘amal (practice). People have become tired of listening to our speeches and have turned away from us because we do not practice what we preach. We talk about everything but do nothing. Our deeds are not according to our speeches. Whenever we speak we arrange a gathering and warm up the audience. We carry every subject to its perfection, leaving nothing lacking. However when it is time for putting them into practice, we do not practice anything according to what we have said. You should get the truth engrained thoroughly in your mind that the Creator will keep only that speech alive on the tongue of his creation in this world’s picture gallery, whose speaker has produced a practical model. This is the only memory of your good deeds and this is the only guiding light for the creation. Having once become busy with the Da’wah and Tableegh of the Deen ul Islaam, to abandon it or to show laziness is not becoming of a courageous man. Neither does the duality of the inside and the outside suit him. Duality means what is shown on the outside is not what is inside. Your outside should be the same as the inside, the inside exactly like the outside and there should not be even a hair breadth difference between the outside and the inside. There is everywhere a net of trickery and fraud and of cunningness and deception. The superintendent of this net is the Shaitaan. Only he has escaped form his (net) who Allaah newsubhana2.gif (1260 bytes)has saved.

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Salaatunnabi (Durood) recited by
Hadrat Sayyidinaa UWAIS QARNEE 
TransliterationAllaahumma Salli ‘alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadiun Wa Aalihee Wa’itratihee be ‘Adadi Kulli Ma’ loomillaka Astaghfirullaa Halladhi La ilaahaa illaa huwal Hayyul Qayyoomu Wa Atoobu ilaih. Yaa Hayyu Yaa QayyoomTranslation

Dear Allaah, bestow Your Choicest Blessings upon our Master Muhammad and upon his extended family and his progeny according to the number of all things known to You. I seek the forgiveness of the One but for whom there is no God, The Truly and Perfectly Alive and The Self Sustained and I turn to Him with repentance. O The Truly and Perfectly Alive O The Self Sustained

This is the Salaatunnabi (Durood) recited by Hadrat Sayyidinaa UWAIS QARNEE, and the inherited Durood Shareef of the Honorable chain of Quadariyyah; Mujaddidiyyah; Ghafooriyyah; Raheemiyyah; Kareemiyyah and Ameeriyyah.
It is highly recommended that those who seek the love and closeness to the Beloved of Allaah, Hadrat Muhammad make it mandatory upon themselves to recite this Durood Shareef according to their capacity and the time they have available. For instance at least 11 times after each Salaat. It should be recited more frequently after Ishaa, Tahajjud and Fajr. 100,300,500 times or even more. Remember though, once the frequency is fixed, be steadfast upon it!
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