My beloved brothers,
Assalaamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhoo
I hope from Allaah Rabbul ‘Izzat that you and your families are doing well with the Fuyood and Barakaat of our beloved Babaajee Sarkaar. Probably all of you know that with the special permission and blessings of Babaajee Sarkaar, , we were able to acquire a wonderful building for our Masjid, Center and USA Headquarters. His great blessings have always been with us and therefore our work of spreading his Ta’leemaat have met with great success. InshaAllaah Ta’alaa we shall continue to progress even more if you all do your utmost to unite and cooperate and offer your vigorous help in this effort. Please make sure that you and those who live with you pray 5 times every day on time; stay away from all Haraam activities and earn only Halaal Rizq. Establish Dzikr at your homes collectively as taught by Babaajee Sarkaar, , at least once every week if not every day. If you need to receive a copy of the Dzikr you can call us at 860-585-9742 and give us your postal mailing address so that it can be mailed to you. Please also call and let me know if I can help you in any way in living your lives in accordance with the teachings of Babaajee Sarkaar, and fullfil your duties as members of his wonderful Jama’at of Daar-ul-Ehsaan. At the moment I am compiling the list of all Mureeds and Mu’taqideen of Hadrat Shaikh Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat ‘Ali living in the USA and Canada who will receive a regular monthly letter from the USA Headquarters along with other books and guidance from time to time and invitations to attend our Annual Ijtema’. Do not be left out of the great Blessings and Fuyoodh of Babaji Sarkar, our Shaikh, and Peer-e-Kaamil and one of the greatest Auliaa of all times. Register your names, addresses, and ‘phone numbers as early as possible. If you know any others Peer Bhais – send their details also.
You may e-mail us or send us your information by mail
Our postal mailing address is . . .
Daar-ul-Ehsaan USA
739 Terryville Avenue
Bristol, CT 06010
I love you all from the bottom of my heart.
Wassalaamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhoo
Muhammad Akhtar ‘Ali
‘Ufia ‘Anh
Allaah’s humble servant